We have partnered with Crossref for Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers as a Sponsoring Organization. Crossref is an official Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation.
We are eager to share our experience and help any journal willing to get DOI number for their content.
Our DOI services include: - Preparation and validation of the article’s metadata. - Design and allocation of DOI numbers to articles. - Deposit validated metadata to Crossref as per their XML format. - Training and support.
We have partnered with EBSCOhost, a powerful online reference system which offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. All manuscripts published by Journal of Applied and Natural Science since Sept 2016 are now indexed in EBSCO's Academic Research Ultimate database.
We have partnered with J-Gate, an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature. J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles. All manuscripts published by Journal of Applied and Natural Science are now indexed in J-Gate database.